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Hey guys and gals!

Welcome to, the online store and display for my tees and works, and home to Coloradical! the original Colorado love t-shirt company. Through independent ownership and operation, my aim is to provide you with the best t-shirts ever. Only the softest, best fitting, most comfortable American Apparel blanks are used and our printing is second to none. Designs are always my own (or on special occasion a good friend of mine) and every aspect of production is given close attention to detail until the minute we send the package to your door. It takes long hours and some late nights to bring this all to you, but I say it is this extra effort that is necessary to provide a special product and experience just for you. And besides, this isn’t simply about a business to me; it’s my art, my hobby, and my love.

What I’m all about is small batch tees you’re going to love for years to come, new releases each month, and some nice things to put on your wall. Plus our shirts are 100 percent sweatshop-free! Since I use American-made American Apparel the only person who might be getting exploited here is me, and I like it that way.

I live and work in beautiful Denver, Colorado. It’s here you’ll find me pedaling my bike, going to shows, or slapping some Ping-Pong. I like to make certain the mountains are ridden and hiked, as well as ensure a bit of the local beer is drank. Every now and then I hop on a plane and disappear for awhile, but during my travels, I always guarantee there’s someone here to keep the goods in the mail.

So that’s about it. I’m gonna’ stay busy to keep bringing you the best. And stay tuned to the News section for all my latest schemes and releases. Expect some surprises.

Yours Always,
Adam Sikorski

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